In 1997 sisters Titi and Miko opened Miss Jessie's Salon to respond to the demand for expertise in natural hair and naturally curly hair. Their experience with curly hair started over 20 years ago. Born to a Japanese mother and African-American father Titi and Miko had a head full of natural hair that was multi textured. "Back then our parents were attending school so this left little time to care for our hair" lamented Titi.
At that time going to a Japanese salon was not an option. Salons that catered to Black hair were more interested in taming what they thought was unruly natural hair. This usually meant relaxer straight styling or greasy hot combing. Visits to salons that catered to straight hair was always an adventure as they watched the stylists eyes bulge with fear due to their lack of experience with varied natural hair textures. So, if we wanted to look cute on picture day we had to do it ourselves! They have been doing natural hair care ever since.
The Salon soon became the go-to place for natural and naturally curly hair attracting clients nationwide. In 2004 Miss Jessie's Natural Hair Products were introduced consisting of styling cremes, moisturizers and deep conditioning treatments. From the very beginning it was always about listening to our customers, understanding their issues with their natural and naturally curly hair and finally offering the Miss Jessie's product line that helps our customers overcome the issues that they traditionally face.
With the introduction of Curly Pudding, Curly Buttercreme», Curly Meringue¬, Baby Buttercreme», Unscented Curly Pudding»and now Rapid Recovery Treatment¬, Miss Jessie's products soon garnered a cult following and continues to be a market innovator in the natural hair and naturally curly hair segment.